I have not been into music vids for a while now despite my close friend telling me there is a renaissance of sorts in the medium. A new wave of gorgeous vids, I'm sure, is out there, but in actuality videos have been force feeding us lip smacking, hip thrusting, simple production or large scale mini flicks for a minute. For instance, Madonna's Express Yourself was a game changer for me (not in a good way). In other words: I've seen this formula before.
In its strategic debut, Melinas Matsoukas' Formation or as I like to call it - FOURmation, which she directed for honey child Ms. Beyonce, only proves star power, the OBAMA administration & half time alignment magic magnifies great collaborations.
Said video rocked hard the foundations which be. Fans, politicians, Canadian Homeland Security, football revelers, corny folk (i eat tortillas on a daily basis, so Beyonce is technically right), LGBT? community, and so forth GAGGED. We were also not prepared to get slayed at the end of an open circle, the result of a domino effect by non unified women.
Mother Earth has never looked so damn good! This, again, is the outcome of when narcissistic supply is actually a good thing (read my Sacha B. Cohen entry).
Matsouka was astute to have edited in shots from another artist's work honing in on the philosophy all (in)formation is crucial and unifying. Her eye & mise-en-scene is subtle and strategic. After many views the clock on the left showing the time 12:10 appears or the empty chair to the right peeks out of a shadow. Empty bird cages. Picture frames. Diamonds in the background of the empty pool. Or how about the video recording/play back look during the jean material ensemble in the parking lot? Is it a nod to how all is vigilant, everything being recorded or that this is a video after all? Either way, you may say Mise-en-fuss, digital prowess or power choreography. I say "subconscious" information being fed to viewers. Despite the technicalities, natural organic themes ensue: Flames continue to dance casting shadows (during the now legendary halftime show as she walks towards the stage Beyonce and her dancers wave their hands on top of their heads as candles), prawns get eaten, hair flows in the wind, and water engulfs.
Ultimately at the end of the day the video's message is clear: Chedda still proves to be your best attainment or in this case revenge.
In all seriousness, insensitive people who continue to choose to not acknowledge historical trauma, the New Jim Crow Laws, or not hold accountable the blatant "getting away with murder cops" ('tis the reason why they continue) must grow a mercy bone.
Institutions too understand the power of images. Not just a long X formation of custom made Gucci leotards in an empty pool, but the image of an Asian NYPD cop on my TV set. A cop who is the token prosecuted officer who killed in the projects. It's as if they are sending a message: Any minority will pay. Yes. Images are very powerful.
The current state of affairs is a platform for Beyonce. That's not a bad thing. The power of the Pied Piper is a powerful one.
Estrogen is powerful too. It's probably why I have always gravitated towards strong, black women (I'm a product of the Public school system. Imagine a chubby light skin Mexicana with "dead' hair, but having it braided anyways). My Passaic County elementary principal was a statuesque black woman always in an impeccable suit. Or my kindergarten teacher Ms. Johnson. Or my first grade teacher Ms. Robin. Followed by Ms. Dixon, and so forth. They are one of my foundations. Those women helped shape me. It is these strong, hard working women who bare fruit who truly should be praised. They were and are nurses, teachers, beauticians, administrators, scientists, drug counselors, pastors, court & police officers, artists, daughters, cousins, sisters, mothers.
People of brown power have a lineage of Great Great Great Grand Mamas whose blood have been spilled on Earth's soil. Blood which continues to be sacrificed from all types of people & different shades in the name of profit or spilled by trigger happy consequences (Fruits is the new Cotton). Their sons continually going off to wars that Kissingers designed.
Yes. Some wear chanklas at a beauty supply store, but its not only about that. Who cares that a powerhouse piper in all her designer garb and numerology glory performed on the heels of an issue which too many mothers can testify about. Direct your comments towards their bleeding hearts.
The systemic killing of people of color, whether it be a physical or spiritual one, ever since the birth of this nation is not a light matter. Only the skin of their great great great grand babies is.